Inspiring the next generation

Students at the Granger Elementary school in Iowa recently received a special treat. Granger Postmaster Sara Boorman, Acting Grimes Postmaster Rob Cracraft, Post Office Operations Manager Wendy Berg, and Labor Relations Specialist Teri King visited with the second graders to speak about the Postal Service.

The postal team taught the youngers about different types of deliveries and how the team worked hard to serve the children and their families. The kids were particularly interested to hear about future employment opportunities with the Postal Service when they grew up.

To top off the special day, children had a chance to see a Long-Life Vehicle first-hand and learn more about its capabilities. They also met Teri’s dog Rain King.

Teri is a dog bite prevention specialist in addition to her other duties, and appreciated the chance to educate the children about dog behaviors and how to avoid confrontation with a dog. Kids immediately flocked to Rain and treasured the chance to meet him.

How it works

Students at the Venetucci Elementary School in Colorado Springs, CO, recently had the chance to tour the local processing and distribution center. Acting Plant Manager Karl Foster spent time with the 2nd and 3rd graders to give them the grand tour, including an interactive presentation on how to address letters and the steps involved in the processing of their letters to get them delivered.

The children watched with fascination as high-speed machines read, sorted and barcoded letters. They also watched flat sorters in operation, where parcels are sorted, and how letters are forwarded when someone moves to a new address.

At the end of the tour, students were asked if any of them would like to work at the Post Office one day. All kids unanimously and enthusiastically thrust their hands into the air in support of the future job opportunity.

Preschoolers fascinated by postal magic

Preschool students received a behind-the-scenes look at the journey of their letters recently at the Redmond, OR, Post Office. The expedition started with a simple letter drop in the lobby and quickly expanded into a mesmerizing demonstration of precision operations.

Retail Associate Jennifer Stites and Postmaster Scott Harsh began the tour with 17 students dropping their letters into the lobby drop box. Stites and Harsh then escorted the kids behind the scenes where the real postal magic happens.

Children had a chance to see the hampers that caught their mail and then watched the sortation process. They also learned how postal trucks take the mail inside containers to other cities and how carriers prepare the mail for delivery to their homes.

“We even discussed safety measures we employ at the Post Office and how they can stay safe by avoiding playing around vehicles in their neighborhood,” said Harsh.

Youngsters asked many questions during their visit, including how mail is processed, where staff keeps their dogs, and how the skylights work.

“You are a lot like Santa Clause, but every day!” said one of the students.

Curious kids

When Nevada, MO, City Carrier Krista Marshall recently received a request from a school along her route to speak to their children about the Post Office, she was eager to help.

Preschool children from St. Mary’s School gathered around Marshall as she explained the importance of safety around vehicles and how carriers deliver mail each day. The enthusiastic kids enjoyed Marshall’s presentation and demonstrated keen curiosity regarding her job, the mail and of course, the fascinating vehicle Marshall drove in the performance of her duties.

Preschool kids eager to learn about their carrier and USPS

Henderson, CO, Rural Carrier Shauna Galicia

Henderson, CO, Rural Carrier Shauna Galicia recently helped coordinate a visit to a local preschool. The kids at John W. Thimmig Elementary School displayed both awe and curiosity when Galicia showed them a rare look inside a postal vehicle and her USPS satchel. The youngsters also enjoyed talking with Galicia about her duties as a carrier.

“The Henderson Post Office is proud to have such a generous and thoughtful employee on its staff and admires this contribution to the community,” said Postmaster Crystal Gutierrez.

Future career choices


Salt Lake District Network Specialist Tim Stephan recently joined his granddaughter at her preschool and gave a presentation on the Postal Service to the young audience. To enhance their experience, he also brought props including carrier hats, uniforms, and a satchel, as well as postal coloring books for the kids to enjoy.

The children appreciated the unique postal experience and had fun pretending to be employees for the day.

Learning center tour delights kids

Little River, KS, Retail Associate Leslie Schneider providing a tour of her office to local children.

Little River, KS, Retail Associate Leslie Schneider providing a tour of her office to local children.

When Little River, KS, Retail Associate Leslie Schneider introduced McPherson Postmaster Tammy Hoefer to Little River Mayor Don Teeters a few weeks ago, Hoefer was impressed with what he had to say.

“He told me how happy they were to have Leslie there, and hopes she never leaves,” said Hoefer.


Beyond the city’s interest in keeping Schneider’s friendly, courteous service within the local community, Schneider, a U.S. Navy veteran, also serves the community’s youth. Recently, she hosted a Learning Center tour of her office, and supplied the children with crayons and a coloring sheet so they can design their own stamp.

“She’s going to hang them up in the office once they get them back to her,” Hoefer said regarding the kids’ artistic stylings. “She is a rock star.”

Postmaster shares value of the mail with the next generation

Norton, KS, City Carrier Chris Noel taught visiting kindergarteners how to be safe around postal vehicles.

Norton, KS, City Carrier Chris Noel taught visiting kindergarteners how to be safe around postal vehicles.

Kindergarteners in Norton, KS, recently had the chance to see behind the scenes activity at their local Post Office. In addition to touring the facility, kids also learned more about the Long-Life Vehicle and the importance of keeping a safe distance from postal vehicles from City Carrier and Safety Captain Chris Noel. Noel asked the kids to be safe and not approach or play around mail trucks in their neighborhoods.

Norton Postmaster Gail Brandyberry appreciated the children’s interest and enthusiasm for the mail.

“These children are America’s future,” said Brandyberry. “I’m glad I had the chance to show them how mail is an integral part of this country’s core value system.”

Kindergartners in Norton, KS, visit their local Post Office

Kindergartners in Norton, KS, visit their local Post Office

Coloring Page Contest

Coloring page 2015 contest

Recently, Newburg, MO, Post Office Retail Associate Leann Mcnew met with a local school and proposed a coloring contest for pre-school and kindergarten classes. When the school enthusiastically accepted, Mcnew provided them with copies of the 2015 Postal Coloring Page creatively designed by Earl Musick

Students at the school added their colorful design touches to the page and submitted them for entry into the contest. Four winners were selected by customers of the Newburg Post Office. Postmaster Jim Woodman and Mcnew presented a Christmas stocking to each of the winners at the school.

“The contest provided a way for me to give back to a community that has been so gracious to me,” said Mcnew.

Coloring Station a First-Class Hit


In preparation for the busy season, the Stanford, MT, Post Office team prepared a special station to assist busy parents.

Replete with coloring pages and vibrant pens, a new kids’ coloring station gives little ones the chance to express their creativity while parents complete their mailing transactions.

“We even have magnets for them to hang their art work or leave it to finish the next time they are in,” said Stanford Postmaster Kristina Hill. “Both parents and kids are loving it!”

  • Hello, I'm Benny the Blogger: I'm the world's most famous postal employee. My hobbies are snappy quotes, kite flying and publishing. I was born Jan. 17, 1706, but don't call me old.

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